Thursday, July 26, 2012

This is it!

Well, this is it, my first post. I think I want to use this blog to post about my life, projects, recipes, dieting, weight loss, and STUFF. You know, just stuff. I don't think I am particularly creative, so I thought I would try some projects around the house and document my before and afters. Prove myself wrong, perhaps? Maybe share some recipes, and post the ridiculous things that come out of my three year old's mouth.  He is pretty funny these days and can't seem to keep his face straight when he lies to me. I love that - I bet someday he will learn how to lie. It will be a sad, sad day for me. Right now he is so sweet, doesn't talk back, can't lie, and doesn't know how to hurt any one's feelings. Do you think he can stay this way forever? He also can't keep his finger out of his nose. I included a picture of Grayson, how cute is he?!

Tomorrow I am starting to count Weight Watchers points again. Well, I think I will start tomorrow. :-) I hate dieting! Hate it, hate it, hate it! But, it's time to get serious, like mucho serious. I am at my all time high not pregnant weight, and it's not pretty. I plan to work out everyday and I don't. I plan to diet everyday, and I don't. Maybe if I write about my days I can hold myself more accountable? Yeah, sounds like a good plan, totally. Starting....Tomorrow! Yes, TOMORROW.

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