Wednesday, August 29, 2012

1st Day of School August 2012

Grayson's first day of school - August 14th, 2012
                      St. Andrew's

Happy Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! I am in a fantastic mood - after two days of feeling sick and doing NOTHING, I am feeling good today and catching up on EVERYTHING. Well, mostly cleaning. Grayson is running around in his cars underwear and nothing else because we are potty training today. We are setting the kitchen timer for every thirty minutes and then we run in there and try. So far, so good. Three hours, no accidents. I freaking HATE HATE HATE potty training. Grayson can do it, he just says "no" and walks away.  And he will not go #2. One time I told him he could not go in his diaper, and he held it for a week and a half. His stomach got all swollen and I was going to take him to the ER it was so bad. I finally gave in and told him to run off and do the deed. He did and all was well - for him. Other times we have watched movies, had snacks, read books, you name it for hours and hours on end, and still no #2. This kid is a stubborn one I tell you.  Who knows where he got that trait from....

I am also back on my eating well (or little) and I am going to start getting into a routine with exercise. I really feel disgusted with myself and not great. I think feeling that way sometimes leads to not excersizing and eating poorly because it's like "whatever, I am already fat", but I know that is not the right attitude. I woke up with a great attitude about it today, so I am going to keep it, no more poor fat girl! It's not like it will even take that long, if I can just eat right for a week, I will see results and that will get me going. The hard part is that we are going to NP this weekend to visit Grandma. I tend to eat a l ot of junk food there. So while I can't say no to junk food this weekend, I can watch my quantity and practice portion control. I am also go to take yogurt and try to eat mostly yogurt. It's the only thing on the planet that doesn't hurt my stomach, so I love it.

I am kind of rambling, I know. But hey - it's a blog post!!! Yay! Grayson is now on my lap, in his undwear eating pudding and yogurt (he loves yogurt as much as mommy!)- end of post.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Craft Room

I get a craft room, yay! We decided the office should be my craft room and Grayson's project room. Someday he will have projects so it will be nice to have an area set up. I am super excited to get a room all for myself (I will share if asked nicely) that I can decorate just for me! My first step is paint - that orange/gold has got to go. For reals. I am going with Storm Cloud, a gray blue color. Then I plan to use a lot of black, white, and gray to contrast. Here we go!



Whoopsies! You know what you are supposed to do when you start a blog? Effing
blog! Maybe no one explained the rules to me? You believe that, right?

I have been taking photos to post, that's the good news! Next, I will post them. Pinky