I am also back on my eating well (or little) and I am going to start getting into a routine with exercise. I really feel disgusted with myself and not great. I think feeling that way sometimes leads to not excersizing and eating poorly because it's like "whatever, I am already fat", but I know that is not the right attitude. I woke up with a great attitude about it today, so I am going to keep it, no more poor fat girl! It's not like it will even take that long, if I can just eat right for a week, I will see results and that will get me going. The hard part is that we are going to NP this weekend to visit Grandma. I tend to eat a l ot of junk food there. So while I can't say no to junk food this weekend, I can watch my quantity and practice portion control. I am also go to take yogurt and try to eat mostly yogurt. It's the only thing on the planet that doesn't hurt my stomach, so I love it.
I am kind of rambling, I know. But hey - it's a blog post!!! Yay! Grayson is now on my lap, in his undwear eating pudding and yogurt (he loves yogurt as much as mommy!)- end of post.
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