Monday, October 1, 2012

Dear God, What Have I Done?

I decided taking away Grayson's binkey was a brilliant idea. My husband has been pushing it for awhile, so the last time he mentioned it,  I was like "let's do this".   I should have been "we are not doing this".  I mean unless hysteria is your thing, taking away binkey was just a dumb idea. We went from a sleeper that wakes up every hour or two and just and wants to say hello, to a hysterical, sobbing, out of control, tired toddler. Oh joy. 

Right now it's nap time, or what USED to be nap time. Now it's just that super annoying couple of hours I spend trying to get Gray to sleep when we all know it's not happening - probably ever again. The worst part is that it's my own damn fault. AAAAAAHHHHHH!

I even made sprinkles pancakes this morning and even that couldn't stop the crying.  You know what did stop it, though?  When he found a binkey under the kitchen table, and said "look, a binkey! A BINKEY MOM!".  Oh, shit!!!! Back to square one.

So why did I do this again?

Here are my lovely pancakes though! See how chapped his poor cheeks are from crying? Poor kid!

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